on 13 March, 2013

SRM University Engineering Entrance Exam 2013 SRMEEE - Notification, Registrations, Admissions, Results | stupidsid

SRMEEE 2013 Counselling Schedule
May 22, 2013

Results for SRMEEE - Engineering Entrrance Exam for SRM University, Chennai and NCR campuses - held for 2013-14 have been declared. Students who took up the entrance test for admissions to this flamboyant college can check their RESULTS.

SRMEEE 2013 Counselling Schedule
May 22, 2013

Results for SRMEEE - Engineering Entrrance Exam for SRM University, Chennai and NCR campuses - held for 2013-14 have been declared. Students who took up the entrance test for admissions to this flamboyant college can check their RESULTS.

Admissions to SRM University are based on their separate entrance test (SRMEEE) which was scheduled on April 20 and 21st, both offline and online. SRM University which has three campuses in Chennai - Kattankulathur, Rampuram and Ramapuram Part II - Vadapalani - and one in NCR, Delhi.

Students who took up the entrance test and have checked their ranks can make a note of the following Counselling Schedule:

Date Morning Schedule (Reporting 8.00 a.m) Afternoon Schedule (Reporting 2.30 p.m)
June 1 Rank 1 to 4000 Rank 4001 to 6000
June 2 Rank 6001 to 10000 Rank 10001 to 12000
June 3 Rank 12001 to 16000 Rank 16001 to 18000
June 4 Rank 18001  to 22000 Rank 22001  to 24000
June 5 Rank 24001  to 28000 Rank 28001  to 30000
June 6 Rank 30001  to 36000 Rank 36001  to 40000
June 7 Rank 40001  to 46000 Rank 46001  to 50000
June 8 Rank 50001  to 56000 Rank 56001  to 60000


The selected candidates will have to remit the prescribed fees by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "SRMIST", payable at Chennai, on confirmation of the seat, and acceptance of the branch allotted.

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SRMEEE 2013 Notification
March 14, 2013

The Engineering Entrance Exam for SRM University, Chennai and NCR campus, for the academic year 2013-14 is declared. Students who wish to join SRM University have to give the SRMEEE scheduled on April 20th, 2013 (Paper - Pencil Mode) and April 20th and 21st (Computer Based Test held in 4 slots).

SRM University which has three campuses in Chennai - Kattankulathur, Rampuram and Ramapuram Part II - Vadapalani - and one in NCR, Delhi, conducts its separate entrance test for admissions in Engineering (B.Tech), Architecture (B.Arch), M.Tech and MBA programs. The Paper - Pencil test is scheduled on April 20th is from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm while the Computer Based Test is conducted in 4 slots as follows:

  • Slot 1: April 20th - 9 am to 11.30 am
  • Slot 2: April 20th - 2 pm to 4.30 pm
  • Slot 3: April 21st - 9 am to 11.30 am
  • Slot 4: April 21st - 2 pm to 4.30 pm

Students can check out the SRM University Website for details regarding Registrations and Applications.

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